Friday, October 30, 2009

Monster Mash Treats

Another project that I did with the kids at the kids class this month. Inside the clear mini acrylic paint cans are these incredible "new" M&M's called "M&M's Premium". This flavor was chocoate mint and they taste very similar to a junior mint, but more chocolatly. They are so addicting. They don't have the crispy shell and instead have a "soft" shell that is marbelized to give them a really cool look. Anyhow, the project was simple, attach designer paper around the can, add some punched accents (bats or spiders), add the matted label on top of the can and some various ribbons tied to the can and VIOLA! The kids loved it.

1 comment:

Tammy Dunlap said...

Those are cute Julie! I made cupcakes today for a school party reminds me I better get a photo before I leave!